Microdosing Psychedelics: A Phase Shifting Trend towards Cognitive Enhancement and Productivity
The exploration of the human psyche and its limitless potential has journeyed through various facets of science, philosophy, and spirituality. In recent years, a rising trend that uses elements from each of these fields has garnered considerable traction – the practice of microdosing psychedelics. This trend involves the administration of sub-perceptual doses of substances such as psilocybin or LSD, eliciting a myriad of reported benefits ranging from enhanced creativity to elevated mood and productivity. However, the science behind these effects remains to be fully understood.
Microdosing involves the use of a relatively small, ‘sub-perceptual’, dose of a psychedelic substance. As a result, the individual does not experience the vivid, reality-altering ‘trip’ typically associated with such substances. Instead, according to Natasha Mason, a Postdoctoral Researcher at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, the effects are subtle and often understood as an “enhancement of normal day-to-day functioning”.
This phenomenon has gained attention following technological professionals claiming the consumption of small doses of psychedelics reportedly improved, among other things, their productivity, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive enhancement. After the publication of James Fadiman’s “The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys” in 2011, interest in psychedelic microdosing broadened, spilling into the mainstream conversation.
The actual science behind microdosing is still largely nascent. There are numerous anecdotal accounts, but peer-reviewed research and empirical evidence-based studies have been somewhat limited due to the legal swamp surrounding psychedelics. However, pioneering research in the field is starting to bear significant fruit, challenging the long-held misgivings about these substances and illuminating their potential amid growing curiosity.
Nonetheless, there are several promising studies on microdosing and its potential benefits. One 2019 study found that microdosing with psychedelics led to a decrease in reported levels of depression and stress while individuals experienced increases in focus, creativity and general well-being.
One proposed mechanism for this cognitive enhancement revolves around neuroplasticity – a key characteristic of the brain involving the formation of fresh neuronal connections. According to Dr David Erritzoe, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at Imperial College London, psychedelics could potentially enhance neuroplasticity, leading to the creation of new synapses and brain wiring that facilitates dynamic thinking.
While the realm of microdosing psychedelics appears fruitful, one must also consider the potential risks. While microdosing psychedelics may result in positive recall bias due to the desirable outcomes individuals anticipate, there are also risks, including dependency or triggering of latent mental health issues. Advocates and researchers in the field of psychedelic science often emphasize the importance of a structured and safe approach when approaching these substances.
It is essential to remember that the research is still young and that, largely due to legal restrictions, we are yet to understand the full scope of the potential benefits and effects of this practice. The field of psychedelic science is growing, and the interest in microdosing is driving this growth. To paraphrase the zeitgeist, we are standing alongside the pioneers on the precipice of a potentially profound cultural and scientific shift.